How do you start?

I understand everyone has a different vision, idea, or memory that they want to capture.

So that I can see what you see, I'd love to start a conversation about what you intend the outcome to be, some similar examples you've seen, what props and equipment you require, and how I can help!

Sometimes you aren't sure what you want, except that you want photos. That's ok too!
I can throw in some suggestions and we can see if anything resonates with you!

What are your fees?

We can discuss fees during our conversations about your vision.

I am very fair, and work with what works for you!

My goal is to ensure there is communication and cooperation to achieve a desired result.

Do I have to be a model?

Not at all! I love meeting new people and happy to work with anyone who is keen to give it a go, or has an idea!

Where are you based and do you travel?

I'm Adelaide based in South Australia and yes I love to travel!

When will I get my photos?

I always try to get your photos to you as soon as possible. This is dependent on the number of photos, the edits required, and other factors.
I will communicate with you to keep you up to date.

How many pictures will I receive?

I know everyone's requirements are different.
You may want promotional photos, event photos, content creator photos, or photos for memories.
I try to cater to everyone's needs.

I may ask you how you want your photos delivered. I use: my gallery on my website (can be private), Google Drive, and Dropbox

Ready to Begin?